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CQC registration

All health and social care providers in England must be registered with the Care Quality Commission.

The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England, and is responsible for making sure that care providers meet the fundamental standards of care, and assessing the quality of care provided, by asking five key questions:

  • Is it safe?
  • Is it effective?
  • Is it caring?
  • Is it responsive?
  • Is it well-led?

The Care Quality Commission analyses and and inspects services, asks care providers to assess themselves and collects information to monitor how care providers are performing. They undertake reviews and inspections of health and social care services on an ongoing basis to ensure they remain compliant with the standards.

EPUT registered with CQC in April 2017 when it was formed and has been inspected several times since. Our CQC registration information and latest inspection reports are available on the CQC website.

Our ongoing compliance with regulatory standards is assessed and monitored by our compliance team. We use an internal intelligence-based system to collect information on all our services, to provide assurance that all the standards are being met.

We have also developed self-assessment handbooks for our services to help them understand how they must meet the regulatory standards, and what action they must take if these standards are not being met. Our compliance team also undertake a program of internal inspections to mirror those undertaken by the CQC, which provides further assurance on the quality of services provided.


The CQC want to hear from you, your feedback helps make care better. Share your experience on the CQC website.

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