Helping our Communities to Thrive
We believe everyone should be equally able to live a healthy, happy life. We also know that access to high quality health care alone does not guarantee that for everyone. Healthy, happy people have access to skills and education, good quality employment, access to green space and clean air and social connection.
There are over 120,000 Essex residents living in the 20% most deprived areas of the UK and, as the only statutory organisation operating across Greater Essex (and beyond), EPUT has an important role to play in changing that. One of EPUT’s strategic objectives is to help our communities thrive. That is why we are aiming to change the way we operate to offer good quality employment to local people, make our services as green as possible, make our land and buildings into community assets and work more closely with local charities to help them maximise their impact.
Our approach is to “start small and think big” and we are building on a track record of delivering employment and skills interventions across Essex to nearly 1,500 people. As a community enabler, EPUT is committed to a long-term, ambitious programme of work together with local partners to help our communities thrive.