Children need to be able to choose the right words and put them in the correct order to get their message across to people
- Use all opportunities to model new words to your child. Talk about what you can see, how it feels and sounds as this helps your child learn new words
- Leave pauses for your child to join in even if this is just a gesture or a noise
- Recognise and respond to what your child is say rather than being too critical as to how they are saying it
- Repeat back what your child says adding in an extra word to show them how they can be more complex e.g. ‘Mummy car!’, Mum – ‘Yes blue car!’
- Repeat back what you child says with correct grammar to show them how they can copy this in the future
Give you child choices wherever possible to support using language in a meaningful way e.g. ‘Do you want the blue pen or red pen?’