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Patient Advice And Liaison Service

When you need information about our services, or if you have concerns about your care and treatment, contact Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

PALS can help you sort out any concerns or queries you may have about the services the Trust provides, giving you information and support.

PALS will help you with the following:

• Have a concern about your care and treatment and don’t know who to speak to

• Would like answers to your concerns but don’t want to make a complaint

• Have a suggestion or idea and want to share it

• Want to get the best from our services

• Want information on local voluntary or advocacy services

• Want information on local services for Carers

• Would like information on how to become a Foundation Trust member

PALS is for everyone – patients, carers and relatives. PALS is here to help when you need information and don’t know where else to turn.

Some questions and queries cannot be answered immediately.  If this is the case, we will take your details and do our best to respond to you within five working days.

PALS does not offer any direct counselling, advocacy services, diagnosis or medical advice.

Mid & South Essex NHS Foundation Trust PALS
Basildon Hospital
01268 394440 available 11-2
Broomfield Hospital
01245 514130, available 11-2
Southend Hospital
01702 385333 available between 11-2
East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust PALS
Ipswich Hospital
0800 328 7624
Colchester Hospital
0800 783 7328
Other NHS Trusts  
North East London NHS Foundation Trust PALS
0300 300 1711
Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust PALS
01279 827211
Integrated Care Boards (ICB)  
Mid and South Essex ICB
01268 594350 available 9-4
Compliments and complaints about a local NHS service.

Suffolk & North Essex ICB
0800 389 6819 available 9-3:30



Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB
01992 566122 
Compliments and complaints about a local NHS service including GP's, dentists, pharmacists or opticians.

Contact us

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