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Lived experience podcast

Welcome to our Lived Experience Matters podcast series, created in collaboration with Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust and our volunteers.

In this series you hear discussion about the importance of talking about mental health, living with different mental health conditions as well coproduction and how other people with lived experience of using EPUT services can get involved.

The podcasts will be hosted by EPUT governor and lived experience volunteer, Mark Dale together with different people from across the Trust to discuss important topics such as,

  • the importance of talking about mental health;
  • living with different mental health conditions such as bipolar and schizophrenia;
  • coproduction and how other people with lived experience of using EPUT services can get involved.

In this episode of Lived Experience Matters, the focus is on the Personality Disorder & Complex Needs Service User Network (PD & CN SUN). Presenter Scott (Living Experience Volunteer & SUN Group Member) is joined by co-presenter Teresa from the Patient Experience Team.

In our latest podcast, we speak to Manager of the SUN Bryony and Assistant Psychologist Bibi, Lived Experience Training Facilitator Malina and several members of the SUN Group to describe the importance of this growing & innovative Group. 

Listen to our Personality Disorder & Complex Needs Service User Network podcast.

In this episode, the team will focus on the importance of peer support and the impact peers can have on our own unique & individual mental health.

We speak with 3 peer support workers who will talk about their own mental health experiences and how they can help and support others in their recovery.

If you are inspired by our speakers stories and would like to join our peer support team, email our peer support team at, for more information.

Listen to our Peer support podcast.

In this episode, Mark and fellow volunteer, Scott W are joined by EPUT volunteers and carers who share their experiences of volunteering. They discuss their reasons behind volunteering and the positive impact it has on their lives.

Listen to our volunteering podcast.

The first episode in our Lived Experience Matters podcast series.

Listen to Marker Dale discuss with key speakers about why talking about mental health is so important. 

Listen to our Time to Talk podcast.

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