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Patient Experience team

The Patient Experience team is made up of our highly valued Lived Experience Ambassadors, volunteers and Coproduction leads. We are determined to encourage a culture of peer involvement, genuine reciprocity and complete mutuality between staff, patients, carers and families.

We want to ensure that you are involved with key decisions and engaged in driving forward meaningful change across the orgnisation; with learning from lived experience at the heart of everything we do. Together, we will ensure that the experience of those that use our services is valued equally to safety and quality; explicitly recognised as a golden thread throughout the organisation.

If you are interested in attending meetings, joining focus groups or workshops, commenting on draft policies, or participating in recruitment panels then please contact us.

Do you want to volunteer with EPUT?  If so, visit our volunteering at EPUT page to learn more and sign up.


Director of Patient Experience

I joined the Trust in April 2021, having worked at (and with) many NHS organisations both locally and nationally in the last 10 years of my career. With that I bring a range of transferable experience to the team, and organisation, to transform how we improve the experience of the people that use our services. I am passionate about improving lives for our NHS patrons, and recognise myself as a service user, along with my loved ones, which drives me to make meaningful and lasting change.

Head of Patient Experience

I have worked previously in mental health and community health care settings. I have a MSc in Positive Psychology that I find myself using every day; in managing a team, liaising with patients and working with colleagues from partner organisations.  I am passionate about driving meaningful change out across the Trust, through public involvement. I am excited to be in the current patient experience team and to work together on what we plan to achieve in the next 3 years.

Patient Experience Coordinator for Mid, North East and West Essex

I have worked for EPUT since the merger in 2017, previously working for NEPT (North Essex Partnership Trust) in the Complaints & PALS department. I am currently responsible for the Mental Health Forums, Open Inpatient Meetings, Working with Volunteers and Lived Experience Ambassadors, Engagement and Involvement, Smart Surveys, Friends & Family Test Questionnaires (FFT) and ‘You Said, We Did’.

Patient Experience Volunteer Coordinator

I have worked for EPUT since after the merger in 2017, as a Volunteer Coordinator and Assistant for Business Support. I recently took a secondment with the Mass Vaccination Programme, working with the Volunteering Bureau and have now returned to my previous role as a Volunteer Coordinator, within the Patient Experience Team.

People Participation Lead

I have worked for the NHS in community mental health services since 2019 and spent the first 5 years of my career supporting Carers and Loved Ones, as well as Service Users. I am passionate about quality improvement within services as well as amplifying the voice of carers and championing their rights. I am excited to be a part of the Patient Experience Team where I can be creative and hopefully make a positive impact.

People Participation Lead

Originally from a corporate background I began working for the NHS in 2018 within the Complaints department.  I joined EPUTs Patient Experience team in October 2022 and haven’t looked back.  I am a collaborative team player and am dedicated to helping peers and colleagues.  I believe good communication is key and am always willing to go the extra mile to complete a task. I am passionate about delivering high-quality support to individuals and promoting patient satisfaction


Our people (patients, carers and families included) are involved with key decisions and engaged in driving forward meaningful change; with engagement at the heart of everything we do. Ensuring that the experience of those that use our services is a golden thread throughout the Trust; seen as equal in value to safety and quality.

We Care, We Learn, We Empower.

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