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Assistant psychologist completes the London Marathon to raise money for charity

An assistant psychologist who is passionate about women’s health has completed the TCS London Marathon at the weekend.

She ran the 26.2 mile course to raise money for a charity that funds research into reproductive and gynaecological conditions.

Freya Richards, who ran for Wellbeing of Women, took part in her first ever marathon on Sunday April 21 with her boyfriend and has raised more than £1,100 so far but hopes to reach her goal of £3,000.

Freya, 24, works for our perinatal mental health service, supporting mums and their families in north-west Essex.

She also has endometriosis, a condition where cells similar to the ones in the lining of the womb are found elsewhere in the body.

This can cause inflammation, pain, and the formation of scar tissue, and lead to chronic pain, fatigue, and affect a persons ability to conceive.

Freya said: “I felt good on the day, really nervous but super excited to be a part of it. When I was running, I kept thinking "I'm actually doing it, I'm running the London Marathon! 

“The supporters were amazing, they were being so lovely saying "Keep going Freya" "Well done Freya". I had a few flare ups at the start, where I felt lethargic and really nauseous but it managed to pass. Maybe that was my "why" reminder! 

At about mile 13, Freya’s partner unexpectedly injured his ankle so they had to slow down and walk and run the second half of the race.

Freya added: “My favourite moment was seeing my friends and family at mile 24, where they joined the road and walked with my partner and I whilst he was limping. Having the continuous support from my partner and family was amazing and I felt incredibly lucky.

“I'm really proud of myself and my partner for pushing through. I am incredibly grateful for all the donations to go towards a charity which means so much to me. Please feel free to keep donating and circulating the link.”

Anyone who would like to sponsor Freya can donate via her online fundraising page.

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