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Equality and Inclusion Stakeholder Event

Thursday 31 March 2022

1:30 - 3:45pm

Equality and Inclusion is important to us as an organisation, and each year we invite Stakeholders in our Localities to join us and provide their feedback on how we are doing as an organisation. As with previous years, we are encouraging the following to take part:

  • Patients, Carers and the General Public in our Localities (Essex, Bedfordshire)
  • Members of our local CCG’s and voluntary organisations
  • EPUT Governors
  • EPUT Staff, including Engagement Champions and Network Members
  • Our Collaborative Partners (from Mid and South Essex

This year we ask you to share your feedback in one of two ways:

  • Join us for the above session on our achievements between 2021 – present, and learn how we are working to remove discrimination and foster inclusion in our services. We will also be inviting attendees to suggest what they would like to see us focus on in 2022-23.
  • If you are unable to attend, you can also use the attached written summary of these achievements to review our progress. You will still be able to provide feedback and suggestions for our future goals by completing this survey by Friday 15 April 2022.
    You can attend the virtual Microsoft Teams meeting using this link.

You can also contact the Equality team for more information about this event,

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