Snuggle up and share a book together!
Through the sound of your voice and the warmth of your body, your baby will come to think of reading as a pleasurable activity. Read aloud for a few minutes at a time and don’t worry about finishing entire books, focus on pages that you and your baby enjoy. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t read the words simply talking about the pictures is ‘reading’.
Try to read every day. Before naptime and bedtime is particularly good. Reading before bedtime gives you and your baby a chance to cuddle and connect.
There are a number of different books which are great for babies. Babies enjoy ‘lift-the-flap’ books, ‘touch and feel’ books, and you can even get books they can take in the bath.
Booktrust have some lovely guidance about reading to your baby.
Looking for new stories?
Don’t forget to join your local library where you’ll find a limitless selection.
You can also find out when and where the Storyrhymes sessions are on at your local library.
Here are some book suggestions for your newborn, aged 0-3 months.
- Baby Touch: A black-and-white buggy book (2021)
- Baby Touch: Faces: a black-and-white book (2019)
- Baby Touch: Tummy Time (2020)
- Baby Touch: Peekaboo (2019)
- Baby Touch: Night Night (2020)
- Baby Touch: Animals Tab Book (2019)
- Baby Touch: Ears (2020)
Find more information in our read as we grow leaflet.