Remember, talk together as you do everyday activities and routines such as; walking to the park, shops, school, tidying up or cooking. This will help your little one connect language to the world around them.
Use objects and gestures to help them understand instructions and questions and remember to leave little gaps or pauses so that they have time to respond.
It is also useful to give your toddler two or three choices, such as, ‘do you want teddy or the car?’, ‘is this your nose or your foot?’
Repeating what your toddler says and adding a word will really help their language to develop. If they say ‘juice’ you can say ‘more juice’, ‘juice please’ or ‘juice gone’. This shows your little one how words can be put together to make short sentences
Your toddler will learn speech sounds gradually. Try not to ‘correct’ them, just say the word back to them. It also helps them if they can see your face when you are talking to them because they can then watch and copy the movements of your lips.
Your little one may become frustrated if you or other adults don’t understand them. This can lead to tantrums. Encourage them to point or show you what they want. Try to be patient and wait for them to finish what they are saying or trying to show you.
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