When involved in health and social care research in the UK it is important we follow the UK policy framework and its principles.

The Research and Innovation team are available to help all staff wanting to get involved in Research; whether you are new to the field or are considered an experienced researcher.
We are able to provide support and guidance in all aspects of Research, including:
- Developing your research idea
- Protocol design
- Funding
- Study set up & management
- Data collection
- Data analysis
If you do have a research idea, we want to hear from you in the early stages, to ensure you are seeking adequate advice and information to collate a robust research application for HRA, REC and Trust Approval.
EPUT supports commercial, non-commercial and academic research adopted by the NIHR Portfolio. We also take part in service evaluations and audit research across the Trust.
Are you are currently involved in a research project at EPUT or are you developing a research idea?
Have you thought about or are you currently involved in a service evaluation that could be redesigned as a research project?
If any of these statements are true, please contact the Research and Innovation team and see how we can support you.
EPUT are always looking for new and exciting research to facilitate.
If you are a research sponsor, an academic organisation or a commercial company, with interest in EPUT as a participating or coordinating site, please contact Pauline Young, Research Manager, providing your research summary/protocol.
Contact us
Pauline Young
Research Manager
07939 008588
Hawthorn Lodge
St. Margaret’s Hospital
CM16 6TN
Additional links