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Image. A light blue background with the words Charitable Funds in white to the left, and EPUT's Charitable Funds logo graphic to the right.

Image. A light blue background with the words Charitable Funds in white to the left, and EPUT's Charitable Funds logo graphic to the right.

Charitable Funds

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust has a charitable fund that raises money to help us provide the best possible care.

Our services are funded by the government but donations from members of the public and our staff help us to finance ‘little extras’ that make the care our patients receive that bit more special. 

In recent years the funds have helped create therapy gardens, pay for recreational equipment and provide music therapy sessions. So please keep supporting our charity.

How can I help?
Charitable Funds relies on donations to keep running, and there are lots of ways you can help:

To find out more about the charity, please email

The charity is registered with the Charity Commission as Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Charities. Our charity registration number is 1053793.

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