I support the Trust in many ways from talking about my experience at Staff Induction, getting involved in events and writing blogs on the website.
I am a NHS governor for East Essex and this has made me extremely proud, not only for myself but also for the fact that the Trust really wants to get people with lived experience involved with conversations to make a difference within the community.
I am extremely passionate about mental health and helping people, and will continue to help and support the Trust as much as I can so we can keep improving the services that the Trust provides. I run my own Mental health and wellbeing charity called Heads2minds and work with other local charities and the NHS to make a difference to people’s lives.
I am a trained holistic therapist and National Trainer and currently work with children and adults to provide them with the necessary tools and techniques to help manage their emotions, feelings and behaviours. I am a firm believer that if you reach out and support the younger generation, you could potentially stop a mental health condition manifesting further. Early intervention is crucial.
When I am not helping the world! I love spending time with my partner and two dogs Boris and Charlie, we spend time together going on lovely long walks through the UK countryside, I also love meditation and spending time with my good friends.