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Article published May 2018.

A bright future for Nursing at EPUT

A nurse at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) has completed the Aspiring Deputy Director of Nursing Programme organised by NHS Improvement (NHSI).

Ann Nugent, Associate Director of Quality at EPUT was one of the first graduates to complete the Aspiring Deputy Director of Nursing Programme in May 2018.

The programme is the first of its kind in the country, and is run jointly with London South Bank University to help senior nurses develop their understanding of the deputy executive nurse role and broaden their skills and knowledge.

Ann Nugent said: “I have been in the NHS for over 38 years and this goes to show that there is no end in learning. I am really happy that the Trust supports continuous professional development as this is something that is immensely beneficial to staff as well as patients. I am really proud of my achievement and one thing I would say to other nurses out there is, if there is something you really want to do, just go for it.”

Sally Morris, Chief Executive at EPUT said: “Congratulations to Ann on her graduation from the Aspiring Deputy Director of Nursing Programme. At EPUT we always encourage and support our staff to continue to develop their skills and knowledge and take their careers to a level much higher than when they joined the Trust. This is great news for our patients as they can be assured that they are being looked after by highly trained and qualified staff. Well done Ann.”

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