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Article published September 2018.

A Safe Place for Patients Gets a Makeover

A health based place of safety for people with learning disabilities who may be experiencing a mental health crisis was officially opened by Sally Morris, Chief Executive of Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) earlier this month, following a major refurbishment.

The Byron Court De-escalation suite in Billericay which has two bedrooms and one de-escalation room has been refurbished with new furniture and fittings to improve the environment and make it safer for patients.

The De-escalation Suite provides a short-term solution for patients experiencing a crisis and allows them to be treated in a calm environment until they can return to the normal ward environment.

Byron Court was re-decorated, with new colour co-ordinated furniture, including artwork for the walls which has made the environment brighter and more cheerful for our patients and staff.

Sally Morris, Chief Executive at EPUT said: “We are developing our patient environments to be less restrictive and creating safer areas to help our patients with their recovery. The de-escalation unit at Byron Court provides a short term solution for patients who may need to be moved onto longer term care. Initiatives like these, plays a crucial part in our commitment to delivering high quality care and improving the patient experience.

Already we are seeing positive effects that the environment is having on our patients and staff. There are fewer incidents on the ward and staff morale is going up.”

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