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Article published October 2020.

An important message about Priadel lithium

In August 2020, Essential Pharma, which manufactures the Priadel brand of lithium, announced that it would discontinue production of this medication from April 2021.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has now opened an investigation into suspected anti-competitive practices in the supply of this medication. Further to this, Essential Pharma has withdrawn their earlier notice and will continue to make the product available in the UK while they negotiate with the Department of Health and Social Care.

This means there is no longer a need to switch all patients who are currently prescribed Priadel, to an alternative lithium medication. If you currently take Priadel, please continue to take your medication as prescribed. Priadel continues to be an effective and safe medication.

If you have already switched from Priadel to an alternative product, you should continue to take that alternative product and discuss your situation with your GP or clinical team at EPUT, so that a decision can be made whether you remain with the new product or revert to Priadel.

If there are any updates on this situation, we will continue provide them here.

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