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Article published November 2018.

Award Winning EPUT Staff Celebrates Black History Month

Three members of staff from Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) were presented with “Outstanding Contribution Awards” by the Royal College of Nursing, at a ceremony in London to celebrate the contributions made to health and social care by Black and Asian people.

Edith Akenkide, Senior Social Worker and Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP), David Uzosike, Senior Community Psychiatric Nurse and AMHP, and Audrey Mullings, Community Matron who are all from Black, Asian, Minority, Ethnic (BAME) group were honoured as part of Celebrating 70 years of the BAME contribution to health and social care.

Edith said: “This is a great achievement for me and the BAME staff networking group at EPUT. We have all worked really hard to ensure we are an inclusive organisation, and opportunities are open to everybody at EPUT”

David said: “The new Trust has taken significant steps in ensuring staff welfare, irrespective of the race, gender, sexual orientation and colour of one’s skin.  The EPUT Board of Directors and Chief Executive Sally Morris have supported the EPUT BAME Group in working towards achieving the goals as identified in the WRES Agenda. “The recent award means so much to me, the realisation that my years of contribution to the NHS are valued by others means so much to me and I wish to thank the Royal College of Nursing and my Nominee Edith Akenkide for everything.  I am proud to work for the EPUT and would continue to work with BAME group to ensure a better working environment for all staff”

Malcolm McCann, Executive Director of Community Services and Partnerships said: “We are extremely proud of all our staff who achieve awards and this was extra special to honour Black History Month. We have a very proactive BAME Network which we as a Trust fully support and continue to make progress with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda.”

The event was hosted by University College London Hospitals.

Rising stars Audrey and David.

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