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Celebrating Volunteers’ Week at EPUT

As part of Volunteers’ Week Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) is celebrating the commitment of the volunteers who support patients, staff and visitors throughout all its services - including the Mass Vaccination Programme.

This year‘s Volunteers’ Week, which takes place from Wednesday 1 to Tuesday 7 June, we will be celebrating all our volunteers who have given up their time to help support patients, staff and the services.

All our volunteers across EPUT and those volunteering at our Mass Vaccination Centres will be receiving a certificate and a voucher as a thank you for all their hard work and dedication.

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust has approximately 172 registered volunteers supporting the trust’s work across EPUT in roles as diverse as Activities Assistants, Arts, Dementia Buddies, Gardening and Macmillan.

There are also more than 1,000 volunteers who work across all our mass vaccination centres in Mid and South Essex and Suffolk and North East Essex.

Volunteers give up their time each week by befriending, feeding and reading to our patients. Our volunteers also work in gardens, shops, sit on committees and interview panels; in fact, there is very little that they do not do in their desire to help.

The role of the volunteer is very highly-valued and respected and it is inspiring to know that despite the harsh economic climate, the volunteers are still devoting their time towards making a difference. Indeed, their dedication and time is priceless; their commitment to improving patient care is invaluable.

Amy Poole, head of patient experience and volunteers said: ‘It is a real pleasure to work with volunteers and very humbling to know that there are people out there that continue to want to help others, (often complete strangers) every day.

“We have such a wonderful team of volunteers here at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust and we know that our patients and colleagues appreciate the additional support they provide.

“We are so grateful for the commitment of our volunteers and really appreciate the way they have adapted to the changes the pandemic brought.

“We know it has been hard for some of our volunteers who were unable to help in the height of the pandemic but it’s been really welcoming them back into our services.”

Carolina Beckinsale, Head of Training and Volunteering - Mass Vaccination Programme, said: “One of the positive aspects of the pandemic was the increased profile of volunteering. Never before have we seen such an amazing response from those wonderful, kind hearted individuals who stepped up and came forward to dedicate their precious time to work as part of our wider Mass Vaccination Workforce. 

“At EPUT, the response was immense and at one point we had more than 2,000 volunteers and the majority of whom continue to support the programme and have volunteered with us for two years.

“The commitment from our volunteers has been overwhelming and during the winter months this included at times, working in the outside in the cold in all weathers and always with a smile, compassion and warmth that is much appreciated from staff, patients and each other. 

“Our volunteers truly are at the heart of what we do and what we have achieved thus far within the programme; working alongside our operational teams to deliver a safe, efficient and effective service. The volunteering bureau and I are humbled and privileged to support every one of our existing volunteers and future volunteers and strive to ensure our volunteers feel valued, supported and have a positive experience as they venture along their volunteering journey with us.

“I would personally like to thank each and every one of our volunteers for ‘being you’, for everything you have done and continue to do; you are all very much appreciated by every person whom your support has touched.

“The volunteering team and I will be visiting our sites during volunteering week and I look forward to personally thanking as many of our volunteers as possible.”

Dean Muslin, who worked as a weekend Activities assistant at Beech Ward Rochford Hospital, said that for him volunteering was a good way to gain experience, meet new people, give an understanding of Mental Health and learn how to support people.

He said: “I decided to become a volunteer to 'keep my brain busy' and I chose opportunities that I enjoy and have experience in.

“I have found all my volunteering opportunities very rewarding, and I would encourage people to volunteer as it has enabled me to meet various people, help with social skills and learn new skills.”

Pat Parmenter has been volunteering at a mass vaccination centre in Thurrock since February 2021. At its busiest, volunteers and staff at the vaccination centre were providing around 1,000 vaccinations a day. Despite this pressure, volunteers were determined to provide a great first impression. Pat said: “Being the first person the patient sees is very important. We all represent the NHS.”

Pat said the volunteers’ hard work didn’t go unnoticed by both the public, who “couldn't thank you enough”, as well as the NHS staff they were working alongside: “The centre manager and the NHS staff made us feel so welcome and appreciated. We were always thanked for our shifts and time. We have had a couple of afternoon teas put on by the staff in appreciation of our service.”

Specialist Personality Disorder and Complex Needs Team Service User Network Manager and Facilitator, Bryony Dale, works closely with volunteers at EPUT and knows how important their role is to the Trust.

She said: “I am continually blown away by the dedication, experience and value that our volunteers bring to services. I work closely with a number of volunteers who make my working life a joy!

“Volunteers provide invaluable insights and experience that continually informs and enhances our services, as well as supporting our individual learning and development as professionals”.

If you’re interested in volunteering at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust please email

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