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Article published April 2013.


Sir Keith Pearson, Chair of Health Education England, visited South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) to find out more about SEPT’s work providing training and education for its workforce and how it is promoting the NHS Constitution.

Sir Keith was welcomed by SEPT Chief Executive Dr Patrick Geoghegan OBE and met key Trust staff including Deputy Chief Executive Sally Morris, Dr Raman Deo – Forensic Consultant, Malcolm McCann – Executive Director of Integrated Services for Essex and Gaynor Abbott-Simpson – Interim Director for Mental Health services. The visit ended with a presentation by Karen Hussey – Associate Director of Engagement – on SEPT’s work with Mystery Shoppers to help improve patient outcomes and experience.

The visit started with a tour of Lagoon Ward in Brockfield House, SEPT’s low and medium secure hospital which was then followed by a tour of Willow and Poplar (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Unit) wards at Rochford Hospital.

Sir Keith heads up Health Education England, the organisation providing national leadership for education and training in healthcare, which was established in June 2012.

Sir Keith Pearson said “I have been thoroughly impressed with my visit and how the importance of the NHS Constitution is entrenched throughout the organisation. This can only have positive outcomes for staff and more importantly for patient care and experience, something which is very close to my heart, and I thank the staff and management for making my visit so enjoyable”

SEPT Chief Executive Dr Patrick Geoghegan OBE, said “Sir Keith Pearson was very impressed with our facilities and the education and training invested in our staff and the work we have done promoting the NHS Constitution throughout the organisation and its relevance for both staff and patients and I’m delighted Alistair has taken time out of his busy schedule to find out more about our work and the innovative ways we work with our staff and patients and how we are contributing to tackling the government’s challenge in driving improvements in the health and care of people in our care”.


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