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Article published October 2017.

Cheque this out for Open Arts

Open Arts, a local charity which provides creative space and opportunities for local people recovering from mental illness and respite to carers to express themselves through art, has been presented with a cheque for £1000.

As a result of the donation, an Open Arts showcase is being held on Thursday 2 November 2017 at the Hadleigh Old Fire Station, 19 High Street, Hadleigh, Benfleet, SS7 2PA from 1:30pm – 3:00pm. The event is free and open to everyone.

Those who attend will get to see paintings and a wide range of artworks produced by people that have participated in the programme.

Sue Hickey of Thorpe Bay nominated ‘Open Arts’ for a “Making a Difference Locally” (MADL) donation.

Sue Hickey said: ‘I nominated Open Arts for the Nisa Making a Difference Locally competition to win £1000. I chose Open Arts because they are a deserving community project that helps to improve people's lives through art.  My daughter volunteers with them and Jo and the team are a very friendly and supportive group. Keep up the great work!’

Jo Keay, Open Arts Manager said: “We are extremely grateful to Sue for nominating Open Arts, and to all our volunteers that support us. Open Arts is a person centred evidence based arts programme that is proven to help manage mental health. We are very grateful to be recognised nationally in this way.”

Those who attend the show will get to hear from Sue Richardson about how Open Arts helped on her journey of recovery and how she became an Open Arts volunteer and part time studio manager.

Jenny Secker Emeritus Professor of Mental Health and Lyn Kent, SE-SURG will be sharing the results of their recent research: Promoting mental wellbeing and social inclusion through art: six month follow-up results from Open Arts Essex and Why art? Exploring the contribution to mental well-being of the creative aspects and processes of visual art-making in an arts and mental health course.

Cllr Mark Durham, Deputy Cabinet member for Culture, Communities and Customer, Essex County Council will talk about the value of Open Arts and the importance to its service users and the wider Essex community.

Open Arts works across Essex to help people improve and maintain good mental health and wellbeing through creative learning, self- expression and social inclusion.

For more information about Open Arts and how you can get involved please visit or

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