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Article published July 2014.

Community Hospital Staff Donation to Hearing Dogs for the Deaf

Staff at a Saffron Walden Community Hospital raised over £250 for Hearing Dogs for the Deaf by holding a raffle to celebrate International Nurses Day.

The outpatients’ team from Saffron Walden Community Hospital presented the cheque to a representative from the charity after enjoying a talk on the charity’s work and a chance to meet a trained hearing puppy.

Staff Nurse, Melanie Grout said: “Hearing Dogs for Deaf People are a great charity that really helps a lot of our patients.
“The dogs provide help and companionship to a lot of people in need, and we could never have done this without the kind donations from local businesses.

“We wanted Nurses Day to be a celebration of the work we do, but also acknowledge our patients and the local community who are so supportive of us. This is our way of recognising that support and saying thank you.”


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