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Article published April 2013.


South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) has joined forces with Southend University Hospital and Southend Borough Council and local healthcare organisations to speak out about Dying Matters during a special awareness week in south Essex.

Dying Matters Week (13 – 19 May) aims to change attitudes of and raise awareness about death, dying and bereavement and encourage the community to talk more openly about it. The awareness week’s purpose is to educate the general public and healthcare professionals about the breadth of services available in the local community. The focus will be providing support, advice and important contact information for anybody living with a life-limiting illness, including patients, carers and bereaved loved ones.

SEPT will welcome visitors to attend an open session on Monday 13 May at the Civic Centre , Victoria Avenue, Southend, SS2 6ER which runs from 9.30-15.00 and interested members of local health services including, Learning Disability professionals, GP’s, mental health units, and emergency services encompassing:

  • Information about End of Life care tools and how they can be used to support end of life conversations and decisions
  • When to make an Advance Care Plan

Laura Davis, End of Life Care Facilitator works with SEPT’s End of Life Team and said “The most important thing is that we make patients feel as comfortable as possible, and make every effort to fulfil their wishes as they require. By listening to them and acknowledging their wishes and understanding them as people we hope to give them the time to come to terms with death and make any necessary preparations for the future  whether that is where they’d like to die, who and what will be there, or simply how their funeral will be. It’s all about giving them those important choices”.

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