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Article published October 2017.

EPUT doctor awarded a fellowship by Royal College of Psychiatrists

Dr Milind Karale, Executive Medical Director at Essex Partnership
 University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) has been awarded a fellowship by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

As a Consultant Psychiatrist, the fellowship is a
 mark of distinction and recognition of Dr Karale’s contribution to psychiatry.

Dr Karale also has the overall responsibility for protecting confidential patient information as the Caldicot Guardian for EPUT.

Dr Karale said: “Being awarded a fellowship is a great honour. I am delighted that the Royal College of Psychiatrists considered me worthy of this award which really is a tribute to my patients and colleagues.”

Sally Morris, Chief Executive at EPUT said: “Congratulations to Milind on being awarded a fellowship by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. I am really proud of his achievement. Being awarded a fellowship is an acknowledgement of the dedication and commitment to improving the lives of our patients.”

Dr Karale has been a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists for several years and has written several chapters in books for the Royal College of Psychiatry examinations. He is on the Board of Examiners for The Royal College of Psychiatrists.

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