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Article published October 2019.

EPUT rated outstanding for caring and good overall by CQC

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) is celebrating after two of its services were found to be ‘outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

In the report, (publishing 09.10.2019), CQC confirms that EPUT will retain its overall rating of ‘good’ and rates the mental health services for children and young people, and end of life care the trust provides, as ‘outstanding’.  The trust is also rated as ‘outstanding’ overall for how it demonstrates ‘caring’.

CQC’s report follows an inspection carried out during July and August 2019. The CQC team inspected a range of services during their visit, and also made an assessment of how well led the trust is overall.

Sally Morris, Chief Executive at EPUT, said: “I am delighted that the CQC inspectors recognised how we have improved our services since our comprehensive inspection last year, and that that two of our services were rated ‘outstanding’, as this means that the inspectors recognised what we see day in and day out; our staff delivering outstanding care.

“As one of our organisational values is being compassionate, I’m particularly proud that we have been given an ‘outstanding’ rating for ‘caring’ overall, meaning that our staff treat the people in our care with kindness, dignity and respect.

“While our overall rating remains at ‘good’, this report describes how we have made a number of improvements which mean people experience better care.

“This is by no means the end of our improvement journey, and we know there is more work to be done so that people using all our services consistently experience good and outstanding care.

“CQC saw that we have strong leadership with a clear sense of direction and so I am confident that we will be able to make the improvements we need to.”

EPUT is developing an action plan in response to the report, which will be shared at its Board meeting in October.

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