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Article published March 2015.

For She’s A Jolly Good Fellow!

Carolyn Ramsamy from South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) is one of twenty two outstanding health visitors who have just been identified to join the prestigious Institute of Health Visiting’s Fellowship programme.

The Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) Fellow scheme recognises the professional achievement of exceptional health visitors – creating a new country-wide group of expert and confident health visitor leaders who make a real difference to the health outcomes of children and their families.

Sally Morris, Chief Executive said; "It is clear that Carolyn is demonstrating excellence in practice, is a real leader and champion of the health visiting profession and passionate about improving health outcomes for the children and families in her area. We are all very proud of her!"

Dr Cheryll Adams, director of the iHV, said: “We are delighted to appoint a further twenty one Fellows to the Institute to strengthen leadership in the health visiting profession and to help develop the next generation of health visitors. There is immense talent in our profession and our Fellows lead the way in pushing the boundaries to ensure excellence in practice.”

As a new Fellow, Carolyn is invited to undertake a four-day leadership development programme, and will be awarded her certificate at a celebration event in March 2015.

Becoming a Fellow is just the start of a journey with the iHV. Together, the Fellows and the Institute will develop the next generation of health visitors; integrate new policy and research into practice; whilst ensuring that they and their colleagues continue to make a real difference to the health outcomes of children and their families.


For more information, please contact: Kate Witham, communications Officer at  01268 739755

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