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Article published January 2014.

Friends of St Margaret’s Donate Equipment

The Friends of St Margaret’s Hospital has donated equipment worth nearly £8,000 to St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping.

An ECG machine, used to detect abnormal heart rhythms, a standing hoist to assist our less mobile patients and 12 fall monitors, used for monitoring patients at risk of falls were presented to Maria Owen, Modern Matron yesterday, 20 January.

The ECG machine was donated in memory of Des Slade, husband of Friends of St Margaret’s Committee member Mavis Slade, who died last year. Bequests in memory of former committee member, Rose Hipkin and local farmer, Norman Pegrum made the generous donation possible.

Phil Wing, Integrated Services Manager commented, “We are extremely grateful to the Friends of St Margaret’s for their continued support and to everyone that donated, allowing us to purchase vitally needed equipment for our wards.”


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