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Article published February 2013.

Harlow smokers urged to ‘swap fags for swag’ on 30th national No Smoking Day

Thousands of smokers in Harlow are being encouraged to ‘swap fags for swag’ and consider the financial benefits of quitting, next month on the 30th anniversary of No Smoking Day.

This year smokers are being encouraged to focus on what they could afford to buy if they were to quit for a day - saving £7, a week - £49, a month - £210 and a year -£2,555.

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s (SEPT) Stop Smoking Team will be in Harlow Town Centre to offer advice and stop smoking aids to help smokers ditch the cigarettes for good on Wednesday 13 March – No Smoking Day.

No Smoking Day 2013 will officially launch on Wednesday 27 February giving smokers two weeks to get ready to quit on No Smoking Day itself, Wednesday 13 March 2013.

Ray Lockett, SEPT, Healthy Living Manager said: “One of the biggest incentives for smokers to quit comes from considering the real amount of money they spend on cigarettes and thinking about what they themselves and their family could afford if they were to give up for good. 

“By tallying up the exact amount of money that could be saved, smokers can work towards an actual goal – be it a new pair of shoes, a family trip to the cinema or a dream holiday.

“No Smoking Day provides the perfect opportunity for people to join hundreds of others in Harlow attempting to quit on the same day. This is why SEPT’s efforts in spreading the word about the support available are so important, to help many make their first steps towards a healthier and wealthier, smoke free life.”

If you can’t wait for No Smoking Day to be smoke free call the Stop Smoking Team on 01279 827866

For more information on the benefits of quitting as well as top quit tips, visit  or


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