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Hayley highly commended in national awards

A Community Mental Health Associate Practitioner has been highly commended in a national awards scheme for her commitment to supporting people living with a serious mental illness.

Hayley Stevens works for the Recovery and Wellbeing Team for Castle Point, Rochford and Rayleigh, and was nominated for her compassionate and non-judgmental approach, and treating all her patients as individuals.

She is passionate about ensuring they receive care for their physical health needs too, and has introduced physical health checks for patients, as well as blood tests and electrocardiograms where needed.

Hayley juggles her busy job with being a mum-of-two and studying for a nursing degree.

She was shortlisted in the Most Inspiring Employee of the Year category of the Great British Workplace Wellbeing Awards, and the ceremony was held on Thursday 22 February.

Hayley, who previously worked as a personal assistant before working in mental health services, said: “There was so many inspiring professionals there, it was lovely to chat to others and find out about their backgrounds.

“For some of the categories the judges couldn’t choose just one finalist so some nominees also got a Highly Commended certificate. I am so proud of my achievement as there was some amazing professionals there.

“My mum came with me, she has been a massive support. My whole team from Rochford, Rayleigh and Castle Point Recovery and Wellbeing have also been really encouraging and have supported me, which I am really grateful for and has meant a lot to me.”

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