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Article published January 2018.

Health and Social Care Secretary of State Visits EPUT

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, visited Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT), today 19 January 2018.

Mr Hunt addressed a group of front line staff and spoke passionately about the importance of patient safety. He referred to the improvements in this area over recent years and commended the staff for their hard work, expertise and dedication. Following his presentation Mr Hunt invited questions from the floor encouraging an active dialogue on current issues affecting the NHS.

Sally Morris, Chief Executive of EPUT said: “I am very pleased to have welcomed the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP to the Trust and delighted that EPUT was on his list of stops in Essex. The visit was a great opportunity for us to discuss our community, social care and mental health services and to showcase the improvements we have implemented to improve patient safety.”

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Jeremy Hunt MP said: "Essex Partnership has been leading the way in improving mental health provision within social and community settings since it merged almost a year ago - crucial work ensuring care can reach everyone that needs it.

“The Trust is proactive in embedding best practice from across the NHS into their day-to-day safety culture which is clear to see in their current achievement of 0 out-of-area placements." 

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