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Article published October 2013.

Health & Wellbeing Academy Launch

Monday 7 October saw the launch of The Dr Patrick Geoghegan Health & Wellbeing Academy; a joint initiative between South Essex Partnership University NHS Trust (SEPT) and Anglia Ruskin University’s Postgraduate Medical Institute (PMI).

The role of the Academy is to bring together teams of researchers who are committed to practical, real-world research into health and wellbeing that will provide information to influence clinical practice and policy at a local, national and international level.

The academy will host a joint research office (JRO) which will support all aspects of research within SEPT and will be the first fully evolved JRO between an NHS Partnership Trust and a University in UK.

Esther Rantzen, CBE, Patron of the Academy commented “It’s a brilliant idea having all these skills and resources under one roof; devoted to researching ways to making people better, sooner and more effectively and I’m proud to be a part of it”

In the longer term, it is envisaged that the inclusion of patients and carers in health and well-being research will ensure that there is a clear and unique focus for the work of the Academy which will enable it to compete successfully for funding and other resources in the future.

“The launch of the Health & Wellbeing Academy is an important milestone in our growing relationship with SEPT,” said Ruth Jackson, Director of Anglia Ruskin’s Postgraduate Medical Institute.

“Together we will grow and support a broad range of research and education initiatives for the direct benefit of service users and their carers.”

The academy was named in honour of Dr Geoghegan after he announced his retirement from SEPT earlier in the year.

Sally Morris, SEPT Chief Executive commented: “Naming the academy after Patrick is a fitting tribute to a man that has demonstrated such passion and commitment to the very best care for patients.”


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