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Article published July 2014.

Healthy Living Group

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) recently completed a successful 8 week ‘health living’ course to service users at their Barford Avenue Day Resource Centre, Bedford.

Julie Hardy, Day Care Officer from SEPT’s Barford Avenue Team said:

‘This course was as a result of a request from one of our service users, who had encountered mental health problems and now was very keen for a fresh start with a ‘clean slate’. We worked with them to design the course, the content and each week had a different focus to help build resilience in mind and body.’

Our award winning Food First dietetic team gave ‘Healthy Eating Cookery Classes’; a mindfulness
session was delivered with guided meditation and there were walks and talks about exercise from a qualified SEPT Activity Co-ordinator.

One person who attended the course said

‘A most enjoyable course I have so much more knowledge now to keep myself well and dull down my mental health issues.’


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