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Article published November 2020.

Help raise money for our NHS charity while you shop this Christmas

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) is encouraging everyone to help raise money for its charity when they shop online in the run up to Christmas.

Members of the public can raise money for the Trust’s Charitable Funds every time they shop on Amazon by signing up to Amazon Smile.

For every eligible purchase made on Amazon, 0.5% of the cost will be donated to the charity to help the Trust finance ‘little extras’ that make the care our patients receive that bit more special.

Paul Scott, Chief Executive at EPUT, said: “We strive to offer the best possible care and there are many ways in which voluntary donations can help us provide that little bit more to enhance the experience for our patients.

“In the past, charitable funds have helped us develop therapy gardens at mental health wards, provide music therapy sessions for patients and buy recreational equipment. Those ‘little extras’ make a huge difference, not just to our patients but to their families, carers and loved ones - so please support our charity while you do your shopping online.”

All shoppers need to do is sign into Amazon Smile using their Amazon log in details and select Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Charities as their chosen charity before completing their shopping.

More information about Amazon Smile, Charitable Funds and how else you can donate can be found here.

All donations received will be used to finance equipment and projects to benefit patients and their carers.

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