Help us develop our services - lived experience roles
We are looking for people who have lived experience of using health services to work with us and help ensure we are delivering high quality care.
One of our guiding principles under our Quality of Care approach is to have a lived experience lead for all sub groups of our Trust’s Quality Committee.
We are looking for lived experience co-chair leads to join our End of Life, Physical Health and Infection Prevention and Control Sub-Groups.
These groups will ensure high standards of care are being achieved in the areas they are responsible for, and report into the Quality Committee
The lived experience co-chair leads will work alongside the meeting chair to facilitate and lead the meetings, which may held online or in person.
We are committed to ensuring everything we do is in partnership with people who have experience of using health services, and with our patients, their families and carers.
If you would like to use help us develop our services and make a difference to patient care, you can find out more about how to apply for these roles – and other opportunities - by visiting our volunteering opportunities page.
Lived experience co-chair leads will be reimbursed for their time and any necessary travel costs under our Reward and Recognition Policy.
If you have any questions, please contact