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Article published May 2015.

Improved Sexual Health Services for Southend

A new sexual health service for Southend launches on Wednesday 1 July 2015 with improved access to sexual and reproductive health care from a choice of venues for Southend residents.

A partnership between South Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust (SEPT), Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Brook has been awarded the contract by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council to provide integrated sexual health services in Southend for the next five years.

Whether you need advice on contraception, testing for sexually transmitted infections or are worried about your sexual health, you will be able to access support at any one of our centres across Southend. The centres are:

• Kingsley Ward Centre, Southchurch Road, Southend on Sea
• Carlingford Centre, Southend University Hospital
• Thorpedene Clinic, Delaware Road, Shoeburyness

Alison Keefe, sexual health clinic manager at Southend University Hospital, said: “What’s great about this partnership is that it will offer a better choice for local people as the service expands. This means we can reach far more people than ever before and spread the right message and right help whilst having a positive impact on the sexual health of people, young and old, across Southend.”

Jane Hughes, Deputy Chief Executive, Brook commented: "For most young people, access to health services they trust will have a wide and lasting impact on their lives, and partnership working is a crucial component of enabling that access. We are thrilled to be working in partnership with SEPT and Southend Hospital and look forward to working with professionals across the area to build the skills, confidence, knowledge and resilience of Southend young people. "

Karen Payne, Head of Contraception & Sexual Health Services at SEPT said: “We’re really excited to be part of a partnership that from the 1 July will see all of our staff trained to provide all aspects of sexual and reproductive health.
“People in Southend will now be able to get support from a centre that is most convenient for them.”

All services, wherever they are delivered, will be confidential, free and accessible, and managed by trained professional staff. Visitors will not need a referral from their GP, they will just be able to call for an appointment.


Amanda Barlow, on 01268 739763 or email

More Information about Brook
Brook helps young people to make informed, active choices about their personal and sexual relationships so they can enjoy their sexuality without harm.
Brook is the UK’s leading provider of sexual health services and advice for young people under 25. The charity has 50 years of experience working with young people and currently has services in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Jersey. Brook also provides support services and programmes to help young people make positive and healthy lifestyle choices and to improve their personal and emotional wellbeing.

To find out about Brook’s education programmes, professional training courses and wide range of engaging and informative publications and resources for young people and professionals working with young people – visit

Brook services provide free and confidential sexual health information, contraception, pregnancy testing, advice and counselling, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and education programmes, reaching over 275,000 young people every year.
Registered charity number: 703015

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