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Article published November 2017.

Jackie Doyle-Price, MP Visits Mother & Baby Unit in Chelmsford

Jackie Doyle-Price, Minister for Care and Mental Health paid a visit to the Rainbow Mother & Baby Unit in Chelmsford on Friday 10th November to see at first-hand what mental health services for new mums are like.

Ms Doyle-Price met with Sally Morris, Chief Executive of Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) which runs the Mother & Baby Unit, Andy Brogan, Deputy CEO and Executive Director of Mental Health and Dr Rina Gupta, Consultant Psychiatrist at EPUT.

After a brief meeting, Ms Doyle-Price was given a tour of the Rainbow Mother & Baby Unit by Claire Knight, Ward Manager and Dr Gupta.

The Unit provides specialist care and treatment for new mothers who may be experiencing postnatal depression or other forms of mental illness.

Ensuite facilities are in all five rooms at the Rainbow Mother & Baby Unit so that new mums can stay together with their baby while they are receiving treatment.

The staff at the unit help to sustain the developing relationship between new mothers, their baby and other family members in a safe, friendly and supportive environment.

It is estimated that up to 500 women will develop a severe depressive illness associated with pregnancy or childbirth in Essex every year. Between 3% and 5% of new mothers may need to access perinatal mental health services (perinatal is the period from conception up to one year after the birth of a baby).

Sally Morris, Chief Executive of EPUT said: “It was very good to welcome Jackie Doyle-Price, MP to our Rainbow Mother & Baby Unit. This unit has been recognised as a Centre of Excellence and it provides vital support for new mums who may be experiencing severe mental illness soon after giving birth. We have dedicated professionals who can provide the much needed help that new mothers need at such a vulnerable time. It’s important that women and particularly new mums know that they do not have to suffer in silence, and that they can get help when they need it.”

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