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Article published March 2019.

Let’s talk about it

Coping with depression and anxiety is the theme for ‘Our Voice’ meetings organised by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT).

Everyone is invited to come along and find out what help is available on Tuesday 2 April, 10:00 – 11:30 at the Central Baptist Church, Victoria Road South, Chelmsford CM1 1LN

Our Voice meetings are opportunities for members of the public to talk freely to senior managers and governors about health services provided by EPUT.

Those who attend will hear from Andy Brogan, Deputy CEO at EPUT, meet the EPUT Chair or Deputy Chair, members of the Board, senior managers and governors. There will be a question and answer session.

‘Our Voice’ meetings are planned to cover many of our localities talking about coping with depression and anxiety and what help is available when experiencing a mental health crisis.

Admission is free and all are welcome to bring a guest if they wish. For more information email or call 0800 023 2059.

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