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Article published September 2014.

Lions Club Donation aids Patients’ Speech

The Lions Clubs of Leigh on Sea and Eastwood have donated £1,750 to local Talking Matters Groups to fund a specialist communications app and iPads for patients.

SEPT’s Speech and Language Therapy team run three ‘Talking Matters’ groups which provide support for people suffering from communication difficulties following a Stroke.

Eric Hoile from the Lions Club said: "After hearing how one of the ‘Talking Matters’ group members benefited from the use of an iPad to carry out everyday tasks, I wanted to do more for the group, I hope the donation makes a difference.”

Recovering from a stroke is not easy and the ‘Talking Matters’ group helps hundreds of sufferers across Essex.

Anna Smith Lead Speech and Language Therapist, SEPT South East Essex Community Services commented: "We are very grateful to the Lions Club for this donation which will enable us to buy more iPads and support more patients with limited speech.”


*Photo * Kay Large (President Leigh-on-Sea Lions Club) presents ipad to Wendy Powles - Speech and Language Therapy Assistant Practitioner, SEPT

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