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Article published July 2015.

Local Children’s Centre Helps Families Learn English as an Additional Language

Hamstel Children and Family Centre in Southend, has partnered with Southend Adult Community College to provide classes in spoken and written English for parents and families that attend the centre.

On Monday 29 June, a celebration was held at the Children’s centre for adults that have completed “English – Speaking and Listening for Life” classes. Each of the course attendees were congratulated and presented with a certificate of achievement.

Imelda Callowhill, Children's Centre Coordinator commented “The centre provides a range of health and advisory service for families with babies and children up to the age of 19.

“For many parents visiting the centre, English is not their first language. This can present problems in everyday situations, including communicating with their own children who grow up speaking fluent English.

“Our relationship with parents that attend the centre means that we are able to recommend enrolling onto the “English – Speaking and Listening for Life” classes to people we feel would benefit from support in learning English as a second Language.

“Encouraging people to take that first step is very important; we are helping them learn how to communicate better which in turn will help them in almost every area of everyday life.”

Stephen Lay, Principal of Southend Adult Community College commented “In working with the Hamstel Children and Family Centre we are able to provide a relaxed and informal learning atmosphere away from the main college. The lessons incorporate classroom based learning activities with group outings to supermarkets and other local places, helping to develop communications skills needed for real life situations.

“Some of our future plans include visiting a local allotment; we hope this will encourage families to grow and eat their own fruit and vegetables whist encouraging communication in the community they live in. This in turn will also help strengthen the relationship we have between the College and the Hamstel centre who work to promote healthy living.”

The English Language classes run once a week for 38 weeks at the Children’s Centre, at the end of the course attendees will have a basic understanding of the English language allowing them to enrol on additional language courses run by the college.

The next course will commence in September 2015; anyone living in the Southend area wishing to know more about the “Speaking and Listening for Life” classes or any of the other services provided by the Children’s centre should contact Imelda Callowhill at The Hamstel Children and Family Centre on 01702 616454.

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