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Article published October 2016.

Local NHS Public Board of Directors meeting (5)

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) is holding a public meeting of the Board of Directors at 10:30 on 26 October 2016 at The Lodge, Runwell Chase, Essex, SS11 7XX.

The agenda includes a presentation by Alex Green, Deputy Director, West Essex Community Services, about Supporting Out of Hospital Care: emerging integrated health and care delivery. The presentation will focus on the delivery of a number of initiatives which are focused on supporting out of hospital care for the west Essex population.  The presentation will also showcase the integrated health and care leadership team in west Essex which will be concentrating on the progression of these initiatives and will also be exploring the opportunities for integrated leadership at service level.

The presentation will be followed by an award ceremony to congratulate a number of SEPT employees nominated for an award as part of the staff recognition scheme.

SEPT is one of the largest and most successful NHS providers in the country of integrated care including mental health, learning disability, social care and community services. As an NHS Foundation Trust, SEPT is run locally, not by Government, and must work closely with the local community to develop services in a way that best suits the needs of local people.

If you are over the age of 12 you are eligible to become a member of the Trust. You can join by calling the membership office free on 0800 023 2059 or by logging on to

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