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Appointments available this week-boost your immunity before Christmas at Gainsborough Sport Centre

Even more pre-bookable and some walk-in Covid vaccine appointment slots are being made available this week in Ipswich right up to Christmas Eve and we are encouraging families with children aged 12 and above to come along together and get jabbed.

Gainsborough Sport Centre, Braziers Wood Road, IP3 0SP

Appointments for pre-booked and walk in appointments this week:

Tuesday 21 to Thursday 23 December: 8.30am to 7pm and Friday 24 December from 8.30am to 1.30pm.

These appointments are available for all ages groups including anyone aged 12 years and above, first and second and booster jab.

To pre-book your appointment please visit NHS National Booking System.

If you are yet to have a jab, need to have the next one, or you are ready for a booster, now is the time to act.

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