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Article published March 2020.

Mental health ward maintains accreditation by Royal College of Psychiatrists

A mental health ward run by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) has successfully maintained accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) for the third time.

The accreditation formally recognises the high standards of care and treatment being provided at Meadowview Ward at Thurrock Hospital.

The ward provides an assessment inpatient service for people over the age of 65 living with dementia and other mental illness.

Staff received the news that accreditation had been maintained earlier this month after successfully meeting a series of benchmarks set by the RCP’s Quality Network for Older Adult Inpatient Mental Health Service (QNOAMHS).

The service works with health care providers  to assess and improve the quality of care they provide by engaging staff, patients and carers in a process of self and peer review to help identify good practice and areas for development.

It encourages members to support each other by sharing knowledge, ideas and good practice to help promote positive change and improvement.

The accreditation highlights the achievement of high standards across care, treating patients with respect and dignity, admission and discharge processes, facilities available on the ward and staff well-being.

Alina Kutraite, Meadowview Ward Manager, said: “I’m delighted to have received this accreditation once again. It is testament to the hard work of staff on Meadowview and demonstrates our commitment to providing the best quality care.

“This accreditation isn’t the end of the journey for us. We will continue to work with the network to share knowledge and do all we can to maintain accreditation and provide the best possible service to those in our care.”

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