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Article published June 2020.

Metal detecting enthusiast makes kind donation after striking lucky in Frinton

A metal detecting enthusiast has made a kind donation to the charity run by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) after striking lucky in Frinton.

Adam Ferguson, 42, had only just taken up the hobby when he spotted a plea for help on social media from a famous actor who had lost his wedding ring.

Rufus Wright, who has appeared in Stars Wars, Quantum of Solace and Assassin’s Creed, had been on a day trip to Frinton when he lost the gold ring while swimming in the sea.

Keen to help, Adam waded into the sea at low tide and began searching for the ring with his metal detector.

After a couple of hours, he was amazed to find it nestled on the sea bed.

“It’s really rare to find something in those conditions,” said Adam, who lives in the Frinton area.

“When the detector alarm sounded I scooped up the sand and was amazed to see a glint of gold.

“I usually only find rusty bottle tops and crusty nails, so my heart was really racing.  I couldn’t believe it.”

When Adam broke the good news to Rufus, he was so delighted he offered Adam a £100 reward for his efforts.

Adam has selflessly decided to donate half of his reward to EPUT’s Charitable Funds and half to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution at Clacton.

Charitable Funds is a registered charity that raises money to help the Trust provide the best possible care.

Adam said: “I really wanted the money to benefit as many people as possible and donating to EPUT will help that happen, particularly during these challenging times.”

Sally Morris, Chief Executive at EPUT, said: “On behalf of everyone at the Trust, I would like to thank Adam for his very kind donation.

“Donations like this help us finance little extras that help make the care we provide that bit more special.”

Charitable Funds is a registered charity. If you would like a donation, you can do so by visiting www.eput.nhs/charitablefunds and following the link to the Trust’s Virgin Money Giving page.

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