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Article published June 2013.


Move It Week takes place (1-7 July) and South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) are doing their bit to help families become fitter, healthier and happier. Move It Week runs alongside MEND’s annual awareness campaign – National Childhood Obesity Week (NCOW) – and is a chance to get your MEND families active in a one-off, fun, action-packed activity.

Children and their families from four MEND groups that are currently running in Southend will be taking part in a series of physical exercise activities taking place on Thursday 4th July at Garons Park Leisure and Tennis Centre, Eastern Avenue, Southend SS2 4FA. The activities will include an American themed obstacle course, long jump, bean bag racing as well as looking and tasting some healthy food types found across the 52 states. 

The activities have been specifically chosen to enhance the great results the children have already achieved from taking part in MEND which works on self-confidence, team work and personal skills and achievement.

SEPT’s MEND Programme Manager Deborah Hart, said: “It is so important to maintain the levels of activity in order for children not to slip back to their old ways as well as making it fun and enjoyable. By introducing them to new activities our objective is that the families will have the confidence to join new clubs and organisations and continue to make great progress.”

For further information contact Programme Manager Deborah Hart or email or call 01268 464550.


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