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Article published May 2020.

New crisis mental health phone line launched

A new crisis mental health phone line has launched across Essex.

The 24-hour service, launched by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT), offers immediate and specialist support to adults experiencing mental health crisis.

Anyone in need can dial 111 at any time and select the option for mental health crisis (option 2).

Callers will be connected to trained staff at EPUT who can provide timely and appropriate support and advice.

The service is for people aged 18 and over and aims to ensure those in need of support can access it quickly when they need it most.

It is hoped the service will help alleviate pressure on hospital accident and emergency services and GP surgeries.

Andy Brogan, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive at EPUT, said: “It is vital that people are able to access specialist support without delay when they are experiencing mental health crisis.  This service will enable people to do just that 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

“Working with colleagues at Clinical Commissioning Groups across Essex, I am pleased that we have been able to launch this service to help people when they need it most.”

The crisis service does not replace 999. Anyone in mental health crisis who requires serious or life threatening emergency mental or physical care, should dial 999 immediately.

The crisis phone line is for people aged 18 and over. Anyone under the age of 18 or  family members of anyone under the age of 18 in crisis, should call North East London NHS Foundation Trust’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service on 0300 555 1201.

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