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Article published August 2021.

New website offers free and immediate access to mental health support resources

A website offering free and immediate access to support from mental health specialists has been launched by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) and partners in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The website features a series of self-help videos created by trained psychologists and therapists to help anyone struggling with the impact of COVID-19.

Launched in collaboration with online mental health platform Omnitherapy, the videos feature specialists from the Trust’s Therapy for you and Clinical Health Psychology teams sharing tools and techniques to help people better manage challenges they may be facing.

Richard Black, head of Therapy for You, said: “The pandemic has taken its toll on all of us in different ways whether you’ve experienced personal loss or illness or have found it hard to adjust to the new circumstances we find ourselves in.

“Our website provides support to anyone struggling with the emotional experience of lockdown or the recovery and effects of having had COVID. It allows people to choose a support pathway and watch a series of videos tailored to their needs at their own pace wherever they may be.”

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