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Article published February 2020.

NHS staff survey: EPUT staff feel valued, supported and able to deliver good quality care

Staff at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) feel valued, supported and able to deliver good quality care, the results of the 2019 NHS Staff Survey have shown.

The confidential survey is carried out every year by all NHS organisations to find out how staff feel about their workplace and identify opportunities to improve staff experience and well-being, and ultimately patient care.

More than 2,000 members of staff completed the survey last year to give their views on working at the Trust and the results have now been published.

More than 70 percent of respondents described themselves as enthusiastic about their role, feeling well supported, encouraged and valued by their manager and respected by their colleagues.

In excess of 80 per cent of respondents described the Trust as providing equal career progression opportunities to all, including black minority ethnic (BME) colleagues and those who describe themselves as having a disability.

Almost three quarters of staff said they feel secure in raising concerns and that the Trust acts on any concerns raised by patients and service users.

The results, published by NHS Staff Surveys, help NHS organisations identify where to concentrate efforts and activities to make a positive difference.

Sean Leahy, EPUT’s Executive Director of People and Culture, said: “These results are really positive and show that we are moving in the right direction. We can now use this insight from our colleagues to build on our successes and address any areas of concern.

“The response rate to the survey went up this year, which I think shows our staff have confidence that we will act on their feedback and continue working hard to make EPUT a fantastic organisation to be part of.”

In previous years data collected from the survey has prompted the introduction of more equality networks at the Trust, extra health checks for staff and increased investment in staff engagement.

The full results are available at

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