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NHS Trust celebrates as they deliver one million vaccines in Essex and Suffolk

A ‘major milestone’ has been met this week at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) as they have now delivered one million Covid-19 vaccines at its vaccination centres across parts of Essex and Suffolk.

The milestone figure has been reached just 43 weeks after the Essex and Suffolk vaccination programme launched on January 18th 2021 – the equivalent of around 3,300 vaccinations every day.

Staff across the NHS have been supporting the roll-out of the vaccination programme in the areas, with people most at-risk of Covid-19 being prioritised, in line with expert guidance.

Nigel Leonard, executive director of Major Projects at EPUT, who is co-ordinating the vaccination centres across Suffolk and North East Essex and Mid and South Essex, said: “This is a major milestone and I am so proud of all our staff who have worked effortlessly to ensure we vaccinate as many people as possible.

“We are delighted to be part of the vaccination delivery programme and we are celebrating the massive amount of hard work by thousands of our healthcare colleagues and volunteer marshals across the Mid and South Essex and Suffolk and North East Essex.

“Delivering one million vaccines is such a fantastic achievement and while we take a moment to recognise it, we are continuing to offer the vaccine to as many people as we can. I urge anyone who is eligible for their vaccines to come forward and book your vaccination as quickly as you can.”

The Trust is encouraging people to book a scheduled appointment at a local vaccination centre by going to or by phoning 119. It is also offering walk-in appointments but have highlighted that is on a first come first served basis, and there may be a wait while everyone is vaccinated safely and in line with social distancing rules.

While the weather is getting colder, it is advised those using the walk-in service dress appropriately, bring a drink and even something to sit on, in case there is a queue.

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