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Article published January 2021.

Non-executive director Alison Davis appointed Chair of Milton Keynes University Hospital Foundation Trust

Alison Davis, a long-standing non-executive director at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT), has been appointed Chair of Milton Keynes University Hospital Foundation Trust.

Alison has sat on EPUT’s board of directors for eight years and is also a senior independent director.

Sheila Salmon, EPUT Chair, said: “Alison’s experience has been a great asset to the Trust and we will miss her hugely. Her appointment is a fantastic achievement and we wish Alison our congratulations and all the very best in her new role leading the board at Milton Keynes University Hospital FT.”

Alison Davis said: “It has been a privilege working at EPUT and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I have been impressed with the outstanding commitment and dedication of staff, not only during the unprecedented challenges of the last 10 months, but every day. I have learned so much and will miss everyone. But, I will take my experiences here with me and look forward to the challenge of this new role, playing a part in the exciting developments planned at Milton Keynes Hospital over the next few years."

Alison takes up her new post on 1 February, she will continue as non-executive director at EPUT in a reduced capacity until the end of March.

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