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Article published April 2014.

Old Spices Cooking Classes

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s (SEPT) award winning Food First dietetic team gave ‘Healthy Eating Cookery Classes’ to men over 60 in Dunstable throughout March .

Eleanor Tildesley, Assistant Dietetic Practitioner from SEPT’s Food First Team said

‘Despite the common myth that the kitchen is perceived as foreign territory for a lot of men; our guys have managed to successfully whip up a 2 course meal every week.

We held cookery classes throughout March in Downside Neighbourhood Centre, Dunstable & the aim of the class was to promote and develop a variety of cooking skills & nutritional knowledge. The sessions also explored some of the common barriers to home cooking including: meal planning; cooking on a budget and food storage’

Bert Torrison (92) who attended the course said

‘A most enjoyable course with a lot of enthusiasm shown and when, despite our clumsiness in handling the ingredients, we produced edible meals… we actually ate them’

The recipes were based on foods rich in fluid and calories to support our award winning Food First project which aims to raise awareness of the risks of malnutrition and dehydration throughout Luton & South Bedfordshire.

Recipes can be found on our website


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