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Article published October 2014.

Ongar Child Health Clinic Moves

The Child Health Clinic run by the Ongar Health Visiting Team will be moving to the Ongar War Memorial Medical Centre on Thursday 23rd October 2014.

The Clinic will be open every Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00.

The Bosoms Buddies (Breastfeeding Support Group) will also be moving on the same day and will available to mums at the same time.

The clinic has a mix of staff including; health visitors, support workers and breastfeeding volunteers who are happy and willing to help with any questions that mums might have.

The Child Health Clinic and Bosom Buddies are great places to make new friends and talk to other mums about the ups and downs of looking after a new baby.

An official opening event will take place at 10:30 on Thursday 23 October.


Notes to editor

74% of new mothers in the UK initiate breastfeeding after birth. The child health clinic and its partners will enable mums to access the support they need to continue in their choice to breastfeed and to meet their own breastfeeding goals.

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